Thomas Alan Waits is an American musician, actor, composer, and songwriter born on December 7, 1949. With lyrics complimented by a deep, gravelly voice, his songs often touch upon the darker side of society. He started out in the folk scene in the 1970s, but post-80s, a variety of genres, including rock, country, opera, vaudeville, cabaret, funk, hip hop, and experimental techniques bordering on industrial music, played a larger role in his music.
Tom Waits' "Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards" is a triple album compilation featuring a variety of songs that highlight Waits' unique style and storytelling ability. With tracks ranging from blues and ballads to experimental pieces, this anthology offers a glimpse into Waits' eclectic musical universe, making it essential for both longtime fans and newcomers alike.
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