Gryphon Diablo 333 Review by SoundStage Australia

Jun 01, 2024 |

The Gryphon Audio Diablo 333 integrated amplifier created a splash as it announced itself to the world of audiophiles. The signature Blackhole aesthetics remain, drawing eyes towards it even if it weren't the main source of attraction. The legacy of Flemming Rasmussen, retired founder of Gryphon Audio Designs, continues to inspire the industrial language to turn it into a piece of art.

Now, the question arises about the audio capabilities of this product. The Diablo 300 set very high standards in the audiophile's mind. To date, it remains one of the more revered products one could own. To be a successor to such a landmark product would require a complete upheaval of the company's existing design thinking and technical prowess. And yet, the company’s Chief Engineer Tom Møller was up to the task.

Edgar Kramer from SoundStage Australia got the chance to review the Diablo 333 for a couple of weeks. In this words,

The Diablo 333 is, by quite the margin, the most dynamic and controlled integrated amplifier (and quite possibly amplifier in general) I’ve had in for review. While my own Gryphon Audio Antileon EVO power amplifier digs deeper and with a fuller presentation across the low frequencies, 333 slams harder and slightly tighter. That’s saying something. Man, did Victor Wooten’s Palmystery album slam… “The Lesson” played with such a defined and sharp attack, such realism, that Wooten’s instrument may as well have been directly plugged into the 333.

In the world of high-end integrated amplifiers, there are some serious hard-hitters. Dubai Audio is proud to be home to some of these exceptional products that can redefine what it means to enjoy audio.

Read the complete review on the Diablo 333 by SoundStage Australia, by clicking here.

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